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R U OK? Week 1 - Your Battery

Take a moment to close your eyes and take a few breaths. Now image a battery - just like the one on your phone. Now you have that visualisation - Imagine one battery for your energy levels and one for your mental health levels.

Where is your line on battery levels? You don't need to share with anyone, just notice it yourself. Now we wouldn't let our phone batteries get so "dangerously" low, so why do we do this to ourselves?

We need to take the time to do the things that replenish our "batteries".

Now there is no one thing that does that for everyone - it is a personal experience: for some it might be fishing, yoga, walk in nature, being in or on the ocean, reading a book - every single one of us is different. Take this moment to think of just two things that replenish your battery and schedule (put it in your diary now) just 15 minutes into this 168hr week to put yourself first and recharge.


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