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R U OK? Week 4 - Mindfulness

In the last couple of years, the word "Mindfulness" has become the new buzz word...sigh.

Unfortunately, it has now been added to the ever-increasing list of Health Goals, we now need to achieve everyday eg: 10thousand steps or a green smoothie. Do not let this become another task on your "health check list" or it will become a chore.

But what is Mindfulness and when can I do it?

Answering the second part first, we can do it anytime, anywhere (even on the toilet!)

Basically, it is when you focus on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your emotional and physical feelings and thoughts without judgement.

If you haven't done this before, a beginner's guide is to start with your 5 senses:

First - Stop (put down the phone) - Sight - what are you seeing right now are you actually observing and really looking? When you're ready close your eyes.

Second - Touch - what can you feel, clothes on your skin, shoes on your feet - what is touching the ground/chair? What are you physically feeling?

Third - Taste - can you still taste the last thing you put in your mouth? Part the lips and feel the breath move over the togue. Can you even taste the air?

Fourth - Sound, what can you hear, start with the biggest sound and work your way down to the smallest sound (Maybe try this the next time you are driving, turn off the music - can you hear the engine, the sound of the tyres on the road?)

Last and fifth sense - Smell, what can you smell? Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Is it sweet or sour, can you smell grass, earth, are the smells natural or artificial?

You can take as long or as short time as you like.


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