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RU OK? Week 5 - Balance

We don't realize this, but balance affects every part of our lives.

From our physical to our emotional.

We can easily forget that just standing up and walking requires balance, this used to be a challenge in our younger years. We now take it for granted, that all of our muscles, bones, tendons all have to work together to hold us up and move us. Until you injure yourself and you are reminded just how much we rely on everything working together in harmony and then compensate for the injury.

The same can be said for our emotional balance, if we are well rested, healthy, feeling positive and have healthy/respectful relationships in our lives. It can feel like you can accomplish anything - that "on top of the world" feeling. That feeling of calm and clear thinking - even in stressful situations.

That is why self-care is so important - enough rest (sleep, sweet sleep), a balanced diet, exercise, to help our bodies feel healthy, this in turn supports our mind. Take a moment to schedule in some self-care, a bit of fun to try and balance out the stress, we all need to take a moment for ourselves in this life. Balance it is hard, but it is worth it.


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